The Natural Aakening
by Ebert
We supply a wide range of natural medicinal products as well as a wide range of natural psychedelic plants,Kratom,ephedra,ginsentSalvia Divinorum and much much more!
We provide dried and powdered products ready to consume,Live psychoactive cacti,San Pedro,willd dagga and many more live plants and sceletium(bushmens ecstacy),seeds such as catha edulis,opium poppy seeds,and 100's more top quality seeds are in our catalogue as well as our broad spectrum of LEGAL partyin Capsules synthesized of the highest and most potent formulas.
Our aim is to break the cycle of everyone who feels the need to feel stimulated, connected, relaxed and "high" by using addictive pharmaceutical or even dangerous illegal drugs that cause a great deal of harm so we have researched natural,safe alternatives from all over the world to supply you with rare exotic alternatives that work!
We also provide a broad spectrum of exotic medicinal seeds to encourage all to get into the therapy of growing your favourite medicinal plants in your own garden and get in touch with mother Earth and learn more about the amazing gifts nature gave us.
We take orders 24 hours a day,every day,so for more information contact us on 0797171968 or e-mail us @
You will receive a detailed product brochure as well as a monthly independent magazine on spirituality, music, books, healing properties of nature and more!!!
NEWLY ARRIVED~Sceletium/bushmens xtc~30cm Mescaline Cacti(live stem cuttings)(Dried powder=single heave dose when made to tea,SEEDS,FASHION DEPT,And so much more for your enlightenment.