Public or Private School for my child in Primary School
by Mbini
(Pretoria, South Africa)
Choosing Public or Private School for my child in Primary School. I am in a dilemma on the public vs private school debate in Pretoria, Gauteng or South Africa in general. Initially I wanted my son to go to a private school, and after thoroughly searching for a suitable school the total cost (excluding extramural activities) went to R5000. I see more and more parents, in this dilemma partly because of our poor performing education system and dismal performance by our students. I think the government meant well by trying to rectify an education system that was not working “for all” and discriminatory. But I think we lost it in the process. It appears to me that, with public schools, one is juggling and doing some trial and error with the kids’ future. At the same time, private schools are just too expensive.
A question is - what would you recommend for your child's primary schooling in Pretoria, Gauteng or South Africa in general? A Public or Private school? Taking everything into account and especially in terms of “value for money", exposure and cultural values.