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My Pretoria Guide, Issue #001 -- Bronkhorstspruit Review
April 20, 2009

This is becoming as short a year as the previous ones. It is 365 days short and winter in fast approaching. Every glimpse of the outdoors I catch, I am reminded of how dynamic nature is. My home is surrounded by the ivy plant whose leaves have turned red. I realize that these red leaves don’t turn out to be as bad as I always expect them to be. They evolve to be full of life in a different way.

As the ivy leaves fall to the ground, they give more life to the plant for the new leaves in spring. I notice that everything about life takes this cyclical approach. Politics, the economy and everything else in between. There is time for new growth, maturity and withering. And all these stages should be embraced.

For more inspiration from nature, please open your “My Pretoria Guide” Newsletter and explore the beautiful farming town of Bronkhorstspruit with me.
Click here to open…

Yours in the Jacaranda City,

"The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa - for he has so much to look forward to." Richard Mullin

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